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Drip irrigation tape

Drip strip is the main element of irrigation system design. It is laid in accordance with the scheme of planting plants in the field or in the greenhouse and performs the function of delivering water with fertilizers dissolved in it.


The method of drip irrigation is used for growing vegetable and gourd crops, fruit trees, berry bushes, flower and ornamental plants. It is a win-win option for both greenhouse and outdoor crops. With a drip tape you can arrange an optimized and correct watering in an area with any landscape features.

Main characteristics

Drip irrigation is a fundamentally new approach to irrigation. It allows to significantly reduce water consumption and ensure the supply of nutrients directly to the roots of plants. As a result, it increases crop yields, reduces the number of weeds, and slows down their growth and development. Moisture does not get on the leaves, which excludes their burn and prevents the development of diseases. No crust is formed on the soil surface, which means it can breathe better. Agrotechnical processing is simplified due to dry row spacing.

Minimum order: 20 tonnes

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